Gabriel Dimofte
Team Leader
CO-IRO will provide a team of experienced scientists, with a background in cell cultures, animal manipulating and modeling animal experiments, pharmacology, toxicology and cell-immune biology.
Professional experience:
Regional Institute of Oncology Iasi, senior surgeon and member of TRANSCEND research group – present
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa” Iasi, professor of general surgery, 2014 – present
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa” Iasi, lecturer and senior lecturer in general surgery, 2003 – 2014
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa” Iasi, tutor and assistant in general surgery, 1991-2003.
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa” Iasi, PhD, 1999.
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa” Iasi, surgeon, 1990-1994.
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa” Iasi, physician, 1984-1990.
Experience including national and international projects:
CNCSIS 839/ 2006: Biological
Consequences of Hot Pressured Water Thermonecrosis in Liver Metastasis from Colorectal Cancer, member, 2006-2009.
CEEX 122/2006 Selection Criterie of therapeutic Methods Used in Secondary Live Cancer: clinical, biological and molecular basis, member, 2006-2009.
CNCSIS 1150/2007 Characterization of the secretory capacity and susceptibility to citokine action of mamary tumoral cells: an alternative approach to characterize breast cancer aggresivity, member, 2007-2010.
Manunet: “Carbiosense”: A novell bio-sensor technology based on active polymers, electrocoated on carbon fibers. 2011-2014, partner coordinator.
Euronanomed “CheTherDel”: Combined chemo-hyperthermal control of hepatic tumors, based on microwave-activated subendothelial-targeted nano-assemblies, 2011-2015, international consortium coordinator.
Metrics: Hirsch 7, number of citation 168 (Scopus database)
Team Leader
Experienced researcher
Experienced researcher
Experienced researcher
Experienced researcher
The PPIMC team will develop the principles and the protocols to produce “on demand” functionalized nanocarriers, starting from (i) syntheses of functionalized block copolymers for the preparation of pH sensible carrier; (ii) full characterization of the self-assembled functional carriers; (iii) testing of the drug loading and drug release conditions of the newly synthesized carriers.
Research Activity:
Postdoctoral position at Centre for DNA Nanotechnology (CDNA), Aarhus, Denmark. 01.2008-12.2011
Postdoctoral position at University of Heidelberg, Germany. 01.2006-12.2007
2005 – PhD degree in organic chemistry at “Al. I. Cuza” University, Iasi, Romania.
2000 – Master degree in organic chemistry at State University of Moldova.
1999 – Bachelor degree at State University of Moldova.
German Government merit-based scholarship (DAAD), University of Heidelberg, Germany. 06.2004-05.2005
Professional experience:
Organic synthesis;
Supramolecular Chemistry;
Self-assembled functional nanostructures;
Biopolymers labeling with functional molecules.
Metrics: 34 ISI publications; 898 citation without self-citation (Scopus database); Hirsch – 13
Team Leader
Experienced researcher
Postdoctoral researcher
Postdoctoral researcher
Postdoctoral researcher
PhD student
Professor Sandvig’s group and her coworkers in Oslo will be responsible for the studies of cells (endocytosis, intracellular transport, signaling pathways, proteomics), animal studies using human breast cancer tumor models in mice, and provide general knowledge about what is needed to bring drug candidates into clinical trials and to the market.
1979 - PhD: Disputation date: 14.12.1979.
Medical Faculty, Oslo University, Norway.
1973 - Master Chemistry Dept., Technical University of Trondheim, Norway.
Current and previous positions:
2018 - Group leader, Institute for Cancer Research, the Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway.
2016-2017 Acting Dept. Head for Dept. of Molecular Cell Biol, Inst. for Cancer Res., Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway.
1979-2017 Senior researcher/Group leader, Institute for Cancer Research, the Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway.
1996-2017 Professor II at the Dept. Biosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
1974-1979 Ph.D. student, Institute for Cancer Research, the Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo, Norway.
1979 The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 3 months.
1980 The Biological Laboratories, Harvard, Cambridge, USA, 2 months.
Supervision of graduate students and research fellows:
1984-2017 A number of Postdocs/PhD/Master Students have been supervised, 25 students got the Ph.D. degree and 21 students their master degree, partly under the Medical Faculty at University of Oslo, and partly under the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway.
Teaching activities
1996-2018 Professor II- Advanced course in intracellular transport at University of Oslo, Norway. A number of lectures at other courses as well.
Commissions of trust
1995-1998 Member of a committee for the prize given by the Research Organization at the Radium Hospital.
1992-1998 Member of the Scientific Council in the Norwegian Cancer Society.
1998-2008 Member of an evaluation committee in the Norwegian Cancer Society.
1997 Evaluator for EU, committee work in Brussels.
2000- 2003 Member of “EMBO course committee”.
Metrics: Professor Kirsten Sandvig has published 328 articles and is highly cited (H-index: 72).
Team Leader
Experienced researcher
Experienced researcher
Postdoctoral researcher
Coordinator of in vivo activities